The ITHACA project partners plan to assess the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance citizens´ participation in the local governance. For this purpose, two participatory workshops will be organized in the project pilot cities of Martin (Slovakia) and Brasov (Romania) in September 2023.

The aim of the ITHACA initiative is to maximize positive impact of AI on democratic institutions and processes. An online discussion platform incorporating human and social perspectives will be developed and tested as a pilot in two EU countries (Romania and Slovakia).

For this purpose, at the beginning of July 2023, the ITHACA consortium prepared an online discussion with Representatives of Vulnerable Social Groups. Given the expertise of the Socially Vulnerable Groups’ Representatives and their day-to-day interaction with those citizens, they have very good knowledge of their needs and requirements when it comes to digital tools, inclusion and civic participation. Their contribution will be helpful to design a more inclusive platform.  After the online discussion, the experts filled-in a Follow-up Survey to provide feedback on the materials that will be used to engage with the citizens.

In the next stage, two introductory workshops will be organized in the project pilot cities of Martin (Slovakia) and Brasov (Romania) in September 2023 to meet members of the citizens´ jury. The goal is to identify their needs and requirements, together with their potential motivations, opportunities, facilitators and barriers in order to engage them more in civic participation. They all will be incorporated into the design of a more inclusive platform.

At the moment, the interaction with those citizens is initiated with the invitation for their participation to the on-site Introductory Workshop.

The link to the Participation Form for citizens to register for the on-site activities is here:

Tiny URL for Martin:   

Tiny URL for Brasov:   

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